In the attachments below you will find the guitar chords for this bhajan. 2013-10-06 Sankirtanacharia was played on the 2nd fret.
In den Attachments weiter unten befinden sich die Gitarren Akkorde zu diesem Bhajan. 2013-10-06 Sankirtanacharia wurde auf dem zweiten Bund gespielt.
Category: Shiva
Posted On: March 08th, 2019
Last Edit: September 02nd, 2020
New Number: 425
Old Number: 90
Comments: No Comments
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Chandra Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Sambavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om
Shivaya Parameshvaraya Chandra Shekaraya Namah Om
Bhavaya Guna Sambavaya Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om