118 Suramuni Vandita (133)


118 Suramuni Vandita (133)

In the attachments below you will find the guitar chords for this bhajan. 2012-12-25 Sankirtanacharia & SSMM was played on the 2nd fret.

In den Attachments unten findet ihr die Gitarren Akkorde zu diesem Bhajan. 2012-12-25 Sankirtanacharia & SSMM wurde auf dem zweiten Bund gespielt.

V příloze níže naleznete kytarové akordy pro tento bhadžan. 2012-12-25 Sankirtanacharia & SSMM byl hrán na druhém pražci.


118 Suramuni Vandita (133)

Category: Ganesh
Posted On: November 22nd, 2018
Last Edit: September 25th, 2019
New Number: 118
Old Number: 133
Comments: No Comments


no further information


118 Suramuni Vandita (133)

Suramuni Vandita Vinayaka Gananatha Mangala Shubhanana
Gajanana Hey Gajanana Jai Jai Jai Ganapathi Modaya
Suramuni Vandita Vinayaka Gananatha Mangala Shubhanana
Gajanana Hey Gajanana Jai Jai Jai Ganapathi Modaya
Gajanana Hey Gajavadana Jaya Ganapathi Jaya Vighna Raja

Oh, auspicious Ganesh, You are the remover of all obstacles (Vinayaka) and You are worshipped (Vandita) by all the great saints (Sura) and sages (Muni). Hail and victory (Jai) to You, leader of Shivas troops (Gananatha/Ganapathi), You bring such pleasure and delight (Modaya)! Simply looking at Your beautiful (Shubha) elephant-face (Gajavadana) brings happiness and joyfullness (Mangala) into our lives.


118 Suramuni Vandita (133)
Suramuni Vandita

Bhajan Training

118 Suramuni Vandita (133)
not available


118 Suramuni Vandita (133)

2015-09-18 Falk:

2012-12-25 Sankirtanacharia & SSMM:


118 Suramuni Vandita (133)
not available


118 Suramuni Vandita
not available

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