423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)


423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)
In the attachments below you will find the guitar chords for this bhajan.
In den Attachments unten findet ihr die Gitarren Akkorde zu diesem Bhajan.
V příloze níže naleznete kytarové akordy pro tento bhadžan.


423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)

Category: Shiva
Posted On: April 26th, 2019
Last Edit: April 20th, 2021
New Number: 423
Old Number: 88
Comments: No Comments

20.04.2021 - chords added


423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)

Shiva Shambo Shambo Shiva Shambo Mahadeva
Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva Shiva Shambo Mahadeva
Halahaladhara Shambo Anatha Natha Shambo
Hari Om Hari Om Hari Om Namah Shivaya
Hari Om Om Om Hari Om Om Om Hari Om Namah Shivaya

Oh Shiva, You are the source of happiness (Shambo). Great Lord (Mahadeva), You are the destroyer (Hara) of ego. You swallowed the terrible halahala poison to save all beings (Halahaladhara). You are the Lord (Natha) of the helpless and abandoned (Anatha). We praise You over and over again, Hari Om Nama Shivaya!


423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)
Shiva Shambo Shambo

Bhajan Training

423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)


423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)
not available


423 Shiva Shambo Shambo (88)
not available


423 Shiva Shambo Shambo
not available

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