409 Jaya Ganga (74)


409 Jaya Ganga (74)
In the attachments below you will find the guitar chords for this bhajan. 2012-12-22 Sankirtanacharia & SSMM was played on the 4th fret.

In den Attachments unten findet ihr die Gitarren Akkorde zu diesem Bhajan. 2012-12-22 Sankirtanacharia & SSMM wurde auf dem vierten Bund gespielt.

V příloze níže naleznete kytarové akordy pro tento bhadžan. 2012-12-22 Sankirtanacharia & SSMM byl hrán na čtvrtém pražci.


409 Jaya Ganga (74)

Category: Shiva
Posted On: March 10th, 2019
Last Edit: August 26th, 2020
New Number: 409
Old Number: 74
Comments: No Comments


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409 Jaya Ganga (74)

Jaya Ganga Jata Dhara Gauri Shankara
Girija Mana Ramana
Jaya Mrithyumjaya Mahadeva Maheshwara
Mangala Shubha Charana
Nandi Vahana Naga Bhushana
(Hara) Nirupama Guna Sadana
Natana Manohara Nila Kantha Sai
Niraja Dala Nayana


Adoration (Jaya) to the maker of bliss (Shankara), consort of Gauri! You delight (Ramana) the mind (Mana) of Girija, the Divine Mother in Her birth as Uma, daughter of the mountain-king Himavan. Your matted long locks of hair (Jata) carry (Dhara) the holy River Ganges. You are the Victor of death (Mrithyumjaya), God of Gods (Mahadeva Maheshwara)! Your sacred feet (Charana) are the most auspicious (Mangala Shubha) place in existence. You wear (Bhushana) snakes (Naga) around Your body and you ride (Vahana) the faithful bull, Your ever-devoted servant, Nandi. You are the source of incomparable (Nirupama) and eternal (Sadana) divine qualities (Guna). Charming (Manohara) dancer (Natana) whose throat (Kantha) is blue (Nila)! Lord with the entrancing lotus (Niraja) petal (Dala) eyes (Nayana)!


409 Jaya Ganga (74)
Jaya Ganga

Bhajan Training

409 Jaya Ganga (74)


409 Jaya Ganga (74)
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409 Jaya Ganga
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